The Lewis & Clark Chapter 656 of Montana Trout Unlimited will meet tonight at the Beaverhead County Search & Rescue Building starting at 6:00 p.m.
Continue reading "Lewis & Clark Chapter of Trout Unlimited Meeting Tonight" »Category: Smith River
Map of the Smith River float. We put in at Camp Baker (at the bottom of the map) and float north for 59 river miles in 5 days to the take-out at Eden Bridge (top left of map).
Our gear-boaters float ahead of the guide boats and set up camp each day. Guide boats arrive in to camp in time for appetizers and refreshments, followed by a delicious dinner prepared by our staff. After dinner, guests often enjoy more walk-wade fishing along the banks, a hike in the woods, a campfire, and relaxing under the stars.
Fly Fishing in Southwest Montana With Healing Waters Lodge
Let the season of fish photos begin! Healing Waters Lodge is open for business and we look forward to another wonderful season. For information about lodge reservations, just a day trip or perhaps a Smith River float, please give Mike Geary a call at 406-459-2030.
Continue reading "Fly Fishing in Southwest Montana With Healing Waters Lodge" »Fly Fishing Guides for Healing Waters Lodge and Lewis & Clark Expeditions
Fly Fishing Guides for Healing Waters Lodge and Lewis & Clark Expeditions are the best! Experienced, knowledgeable, personable, fun, and hardworking. Whether you are staying at the lodge, day-tripping down the Missouri, or floating for five-days down the Smith River, we’ve got you covered. Give Mike Geary a call at 406-459-2030.
Continue reading "Fly Fishing Guides for Healing Waters Lodge and Lewis & Clark Expeditions" »Fly Fishing In Southwest Montana and Montana Snow Survey
Montana Snow Survey Check out the NEW! Interactive Montana SNOTEL Map. You can now gain access to a variety of data types: – Snotel (SNOwpak TELemetry) – Snowcourses – SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) – Reservoir Storage – Monthly Streamflow – ACIS monthly precipitation 2016 is looking good. We are around average for snow pack […]
Continue reading "Fly Fishing In Southwest Montana and Montana Snow Survey" »Ruby River Fly Fishing Report
Purple chubbies and lightning bugs were the ticket for catching a couple of nice browns on the Ruby River yesterday.
Continue reading "Ruby River Fly Fishing Report" »Big Hole River Fly Fishing Report
Healing Waters Lodge wants to help you get away with outstanding fly fishing trips on the Big Hole River. With over 30 years of experience, we have what it takes to give you the full southwest Montana fly fishing experience. Our skilled guides are knowledgeable and can assist you on any aspect of fly fishing.
Continue reading "Big Hole River Fly Fishing Report" »Healing Waters Lodge Newsletter for February 2016
I am a River to My People Being in the fly fishing business means we are in the optimism business and in our souls, hope springs eternal. If it’s raining outside it might mean that blue winged olives should be coming off the Big Hole. If it windy and hot there could be Hoppers blowing […]
Continue reading "Healing Waters Lodge Newsletter for February 2016" »Fish Like a Guide School at Healing Waters Lodge
Hurry, hurry, hurry! Only two spaces left for the “Fish Like a Guide, But Live Like a Client” fly fishing school at Healing Waters Lodge, May 2-7. Call Mike Geary (406-459-2030) today!
Continue reading "Fish Like a Guide School at Healing Waters Lodge" »Fly Fishing in Southwest Montana with Healing Waters Lodge
Fresh and delicious and sometimes fancy. At Healing Waters Lodge we aim to please every appetite.
Continue reading "Fly Fishing in Southwest Montana with Healing Waters Lodge" »Fly Fishing Flies in Southwest Montana
Temperatures are heading into the 40’s and it is time to get your fly fishing gear organized and ready for the 2016 fishing season. Get those broken rods in to be repaired or order new ones!
Continue reading "Fly Fishing Flies in Southwest Montana" »