Fishing restrictions on the Big Hole River are lifted and the whole river is open to floating, fishing and frivolity. Clouds, heavy rain and snow in the high country translate into Blue Winged Olive (size 14). Streamers: White Zonkers (sizes 6 and 8), Big Hole Crawlers (sizes 6, 8 and 10). Chubbies, Hoppers and disco […]
Continue reading "Big Hole River Fly Fishing Report" »Category: Fly Fishing Flies Used in Southwest Montana
Generally, April and May, prior to run-off, finds Montana’s rivers low with warming water temperatures. With growing activity and no pressure on the rivers, nymph and streamer fishing excels, with occasional dry fly action on the top. June brings out the heavy Stone Flies on the Big Hole and the Madison. Big flies appear after the waters clear in early June, and on the Madison, a huge Salmon Fly hatch usually pops during the last five days of the month. July means consistent dry fly fishing. You’ll experience caddis, mayflies, and small stone flies in great numbers. With incredible fishing, you’ll experience more pressure on the rivers. August means hoppers, beetles, ants and crane flies are fished on the surface for some aggressive large trout. If the surface becomes inactive, you can still fish small nymphs fished off attractor dry flies. September begins like August and transitions into fall like fishing toward the latter part of the month. You’ll spend most of the days fishing nymphs and streamers. October and early November bring incredible vistas and beauty, along with very little pressure to go after large (and careless this time of the year) brown trout.
Guides at Healing Waters Lodge provide all of the flies you will need on the waters we fish. Here is a list of flies we commonly use for the Beaverhead, Big Hole, Jefferson, Madison, Ruby, Smith and the private water access we are privy to:
Chubby Chernoble #8
Purple Haze #12
Elk Hair Caddis #14
Beaded Prince
Purple Lightning Bugs #14
Hare’s Ear
Royal Wulff #16
Tricott #16
Power Worms #8
Big Hole Crawler
Woolly Bugger
Montana Stonefly Nymph
San Juan Worms and eggs
Purple Chubby
Pink Sow Bugs
Midge Larva
Beaverhead River Fly Fishing Report
Oh the agony of no fish. Oh the pain and ignominy of no bites, no interest and no trout. Today, no tricos hovering over the surface, no hoppers in the field and no caddis at night. The world becomes unjust and without hope. Emptied our entire fly box in the water and nothing. Cool weather […]
Continue reading "Beaverhead River Fly Fishing Report" »Presentation and the Fly
It all comes down to the presentation and the fly. Photo courtesy of Floating Leaf Studios
Continue reading "Presentation and the Fly" »Types of Fly Fishing Flies

Whether you are going on a big fly-fishing vacation or just want to spend the afternoon on the water, it is essential to have the right kind of bait. Use this guide to learn more about the different kinds of fly-fishing flies and how they can help you catch some impressive fish: A Dry Fly […]
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