Last week we had the good fortune of hosting Tammy and John, guests of Harlan (who has been coming to Healing Waters Lodge for 15 years) and his wife, Amy, all soon to become “in-laws” as their children marry.
Orvis review written by John and Tammy: “We went for the friendships, we stayed for the fishing. Mike and Laura greeted us as long lost family from the minute we arrived at Healing Waters and their warmth and acceptance never left us. Everything about the fishing was wonderful. Wildlife, scenery, clear rushing water and dancing trout entertained our days. Friendships were sparked over appetizers and drink and forged over family style dinners and sunsets on the mountains. Trout rose in the water a scarce 30 feet from your breakfast table, birds chirped you to sleep and coyotes yipped a good night lullaby out on the plains. I have fished all over the world but I have never had guides which treated us better or were more patient than the guides from Healing Waters. Gentle and patient with our fumbling tangles, wise in the ways of trout, they expertly negotiated rivers and rapids putting us into the best positions possible to present flies to stealthy browns and leaping rainbows. Would I recommend them? Absolutely! Would I return? In a minute.”
Thank you John and Tammy, Harlan and Amy, it was our pleasure! Congratulations to you all!